About Us

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We are a team of construction industry professionals who have the tools needed to get your project done! With a massive amount of combined experience and a deep knowledge of project management, budgeting, and scheduling there is nothing this team of professionals can’t handle.

While pragmatic and conscientious, we also handle business with a personality, kindness, and integrity that is rare in the industry. But that’s what sets us apart from the rest.

We are a full-service company dedicated to navigating the challenging waters of construction. Our incredibly diverse services and unsurpassed expertise has made us one of the most trusted names in the business.

Our reputation is unsurpassed and our ability to meet deadlines has been proven time and time again. As our client list grows, so too does our skillset, creativity, and ability to meet challenges.

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Our mission is to provide best-in-class service from the rock-solid foundation of integrity, honesty, and experience. We are committed to furthering our relationships and creating new ones with a focus on communication, trust, and value.



Fred Turner
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Melanie Wagner Vice President/ CFO
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Jennifer Clark
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Gary Muller
Margaret Nelson
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